Summons DECEMBER 2005
The Worshipful Masters Tracing Board
ANNUAL meeting: December 21st at 7:30 p.m. (Third Wednesday of the Month).
6:30 p.m. Potluck Supper
Brethren Please; make an effort to attend to the summons
.Standing Agenda
Reading and confirming minutes, Reports of Committees, Reading correspondence, Passing Accounts, Receiving petitions, General business, Election of Officers for year 2006.
If anyone knows of any brothers who are sick or in distress please notify the Master; Mayo Cookson, Jr. (207) 437-2655 or
Secretary; Karl D. Julian (207) 568-3119
Work of the evening
Inspection by the DDGM , Unity Lodge Annual, Annual reports submitted for approval. Election of Officers for the in-coming year. Any other business to come before the Lodge.
Coming events.
21st December 2005 6:30pm. Potluck 7:30pm Unity Lodge 177th Annual. Inspection, Annual Reports, Election of Officers for the in coming year. Think and keep in mind what Chair you would like to fill? We need HELP.
18th January 2006; 6:00pm. Supper, 7:00 Semi Public, Installation of Elected and Appointed Officers for the year 2006: Followed by very short business meeting.
Note: Unity Lodge here in Thorndike, has at the present time the 12th Masonic District Traveling Gavel. Lets be prepared for the crowd that will be after it! It takes at least 5 (five) Brothers to take possession of it, a number of Lodges are after it so lets hope the 12th District Brethren arrive in large numbers..
From Your Secretary: Please help me keep the records straight by informing me of any change of address, change of status, etc. It also helps if you send your dues payments in early so that I do not have the extra burden of chasing delinquent members. 2006 Dues Cards are available . I am basically a lazy person and I do not want to be required to sent out correspondence to members regarding past due payments. Please have the courtesy to answer any correspondence that I send so there is no duplication of effort. Thank you to the Brethren who enclosed a donation along with their dues. If you need an application to give to someone you feel might like to join the craft, please obtain one from the Secretary or any of the Officers.
Masonic Thoughts
An acquaintance seated next to R.J. Wrigley on a flight
to Chicago asked the multimillionaire why he continued
to advertise his chewing gum when it was far and away
the most successful product in its field.
Wrigley replied, "for the same reason that the pilot keeps
this planes engines running even though were already in
the air."
The opportunity that God sends does not wake up him who sleeps.
-------Senegalese proverb
Masonic Bits and Pieces
Changing one thing for the better -- is worth --
More than proving a thousand things are wrong.
If a task once begun, Never leave it till its done.
Be the labor great or small, Do it well or not at all.
Attest: Karl D. Julian, Secretary | Mayo Cookson Jr., Master | Karl D.Julian | Mayo Cookson |
From the old records:
On Dec. 23rd, 1852, we find a different event. "The Lodge of Master Masons adjourned to Four OClock. The Brothers then retired & the degree of the Roman Eagle was conferred upon the Following Brothers: Wm McGray, Seth Webb, P.S. Walker, S. A. Webb, Wm B. Bacon, John Winslow. At Four Oclock agreeable to adjournment we met & continued the work in the Masters Degree."
Masonic District # 12
Monthly Stated Meeting for each Lodge
Note; in your Calendars
First Tuesday: Star in the West Lodge # 85; Unity, Maine. Dark June, July & August.
First Wednesday: Central Lodge # 45; China, Maine. Dark July & August.
First Thursday: Siloam Lodge # 92; Fairfield, Maine. Dark July & August.
Second Monday: Waterville Lodge # 33; Waterville, Maine. Dark July & August.
Second Tuesday: Neguemkeag-Vassalboro Lodge # 54; Vassalboro, Maine. Dark July & August.
Third Tuesday: Messalonskee Lodge # 113; Oakland, Maine. Dark July & August.
Third Wednesday: Unity # 58; Thorndike, Maine. Dark July & August.
Third Thursday: Sebasticook Lodge #146; Clinton, Maine. Dark July & August.